Sunday, June 2, 2024

Persistence Pays Off.

 For some time I have been trying to take a colleague and her family to see badgers. We tried a couple of times in April and had alovely time. We saw a hare, a wood mouse, some bats, heard an owl and even had a Roe Deer bark at us. However no sight or sound of any badgers. These were good but not what we were hoping for.

Another friend contacted me and said he had some badgers that had started coming out of a sett near where he walks. We organised a date and went to the meeting place. There was a bit of a walk then carefully down a slope. It had been raining which made the grass slippy. We then positioned ourselves ion a spot where my contact said would be best. The midges that evening were very hungry and feasted on our blood. Suddenly we heard a snuffle then a sight of a nose at the end of a black and white face. There was a female badger. Even more exciting she was followed by at least two cubs and more adults. What a thrilling half hour we had watching healthy badgers, especially the young ones having fun. The midge bites were worth it to have this wonderful experience.


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